Sri Venkataramana COLLEGE



SRI VENKATARAMANA WOMEN'S COLLEGE, KARKALA Is An Arts And Commerce College Established By SRI VENKATARAMANA TEMPLE, KARKALA In 1988, Affiliated To The Mangalore University.  Infact, Our Institution Was The First Women's College Of Udupi District Affiliated To Mangalore University.


The mission of the college is  "To impart pure , simple and modern education to women based on Indian culture and heritage."


The College Was Established In The Year 1988. In Our Campus, We Are Having Educational Institutions Since 1st Standard To Degree Level, Both In Kannada And English Medium. The Management Of The College Is Vested In Sri Venkataramana Trust Institution Karkala Which Pioneered And To Impart Qualitative Women Education At Karkala. Our Institution Situated Very Near To Karkala City About A K.M. And A Good Transport System Is Available To The College From The Town.


The management of the college is vested in Sri Venkataramana Trust, Institution Karkala which pioneered and to impart qualitative women education at Karkala. 

From Secretary's Desk :

In ancient India, education was imparted in Gurukuls. It was a residential education. The students (shishyas) lived in the proximity of the teacher (Guru). Gurukuls functioned in the hermitages (ashrams) in the forests away from the hustle & bustle of human habitation. The calm and serene surroundings provided conducive atmosphere for serious learning. Each gurukul was a university in itself imparting knowledge in literature, astrology, art of governance (rajneeti), warfare, medicine and many other streams of knowledge. Along with acquiring knowledge the students learned the life skills like growing grains and vegetables, horticulture, farming, weaving cloth etc. These activities provided for the daily needs of the inmates of the gurukul making them self sufficient. Hence the education was free. In those days the ultimate aim of education was attainment of enlightenment through assimilation of knowledge. The British Invasion sounded the death knell of gurukul system. It was replaced by Macaulay system of education..   Under the Macaulay system of education, the institutions were male dominant. In the early 20th century education for women was socially unacceptable. During this time of strong opposition to women's education, the trustees of Sri Venkataramana Temple took a bold and revolutionary initiative, to provide education to girl children. They started Hindu Balika Pathashala in 1909. A building for the school was constructed in the year 1911 with the donation from Late Sri K. Subraya Kamath and Late Sri K. P. Subraya Prabhu in memory of Sri Ammembala Subraya Pai. Mrs. Graham wife of Dist. Collector laid the foundation stone and Rtd. Dist. Judge S. Raghunathayya inaugurated the building. In 1934 S.V. T. Higher Primary school was started. Sri Balkunje Subba Rao donated funds for the construction of the school  building. Realizing the need of high school education for the girls, the temple trust started S. V. T. Girls High School in 1944. Earlier to this, there was only one high school viz. Board high school in Karkala. Sri Balkunje Subba Rao, Sri Balkunje Gopala Krishna Shenoy, Sri Ranjala Govardhan Shenoy and Sri K. P. Sheshagiri Prabhu donated funds for construction of the high school building. Gradually as the years went by, keeping up with the changes in the educational system, in the year 1972 the high school was upgraded to women's junior college. A separate building was constructed to accommodate the pre university classes. Hindu Balika Patashala was the first girls school in the undivided south kanara Dist, and S. V. Women's college started in the year 1988 became the first women's college in Udupi Dist., emphasizing the importance Sri Venkataramana Temple gave to women's education. The college conducts arts & commerce degree courses. To give impetus to its efforts and to help growth and efficient management of the institutions the temple trust formed Sri Venkataramana Education Trust in 2009. A grand celebration to mark the 100 years of women's education endeavor of Sri Venkataramana temple was held in 2011. An auditorium with a capacity of 1000 seats and a dining hall for 300 was constructed to commemorate the event. Later a kitchen equipped with modern steam cooking plant was added. Today, to encourage girl students to pursue their studies, college students are given freeships and scholarships amounting to Rs. 1,70,000 and achievers in sports and games Rs. 20,000 every year. P. U. College students are given free ship and scholarships worth Rs.1,20,000/- every year. High school education is free. P. U and degree students are provided midday meal at very concessional rates. Temple is contributing Rs 4 Lacs yearly for midday meal. Free transportation is provided to primary school children coming from distant places at an annual cost of Rs 5 Lacs.Patronage and encouragement of Sri Venkataramana  Temple is not restricted to its own educational institutions. Late Sri K. Subraya Kamath trustee of the temple as per the wishes of his father formed Sri Vyasaraghupathi Sanskrith Vidyashala Fund. Under the aegis of this fund Srimad Bhuvanendra Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya was established in 1911, offering courses like Sahithya shiromani, Kannada vidwan, Ayurveda shiromani, astrology, Meemamsa and Tarkashastra. When the building was found to be inadequate, Sri Venkatramana temple allowed the classes to be conducted in its building known as Srinivas Ashram nearby. Srimad Dwarakanath Theertha Swamiji of Sri Gokarna Matth prior to intiation into sanyas studied in this institution. Srimad Sudhindra Thirtha Swamiji of Kashi Matth stayed in Sri Krishna Mandir and acquired knowledge of vedanta and other shastras from the teachers of this institution. When the strength of the institution started waning S. V. S. V. Fund with the intention to perpetuate its aim started Sri Bhuvanendra Oriental High School. They needed building in the town to run the school, the temple trust provided the building near the temple tank to run the 6th, 7th and 8th standards till they shifted to their own building. SRI BHUVANENDRA COLLEGE KARKALA . In 1960 Dr. T. M. A. Pai wanted to start a degree college in Karkala. Many eminent members of the G. S. B. Community joined hands with Dr. Pai. Till then youth of Karkala had to go to Udupi or Mangalore. Only the rich and male students could afford it. The major hurdle was land. A vast tract of land! was needed to start the college. At that time The Sanskrit college for want of govt. grant and depleted student numbers was on the verge of closure. This land belonged to the temple. The temple trust provided the land measuring about 20 acres along with the buildings in it. During the initial years classes were conducted in these buildings. This lessened a huge financial burden for the college trust. A college in Karkala became a reality because of this gesture of the temple. Importance of this monumental contribution has not been understood by people even today. The moot point is could the college be started in 1960 if the temple had not provided land at that time? The patronage of the temple has extended beyond educational institutions. When Gajriya foundation desired to set up multi speciality hospital in Karkal, the temple trust provided 5 acres of land abutting Tellar road. Another 5 acre land adjacent to it was given to Vatsalya old age home. 5 acre land behind old age home has been given by the  temple to Goshala which cares for old and abandoned cattle. A social commitment along with religious functioning has given a different dimension to Sri Venkataramana Temple. It is apt to acknowledge with gratitude and reverence these services of the temple at the time of its renovation and reinstallation of the deity. This is the time for the devotees to reinvent, rejuvenate, and reestablish the holistic education in the gurukul tradition under the auspices of Sri Venkataramana Temple. Innovative brains and intellectual minds should be pooled. together so that new ideas emerge.